We made it to the lake by 7:30pm last night and fished until the sun dipped and it started cooling off. We didn’t catch any fish, but did have a peaceful evening shattered by “nothing compares” blaring from a truck stereo and hacking and cussing from a local who was fishing across the lake from us.
The lake doesn’t allow overnight camping so we drove a few miles south and pulled off on road that was mapped as state land. It got down to 28º over night, but we stayed cozy in the camper.
This morning we took our time (needed to warm up) getting to the lake and showed up around 9am.
The fishing was slow. Erik caught a cutthroat on an orange and gold spoon, then soon after another on power bait. After fishing with the fly rod on and off most of the morning, Erik switched to a half back and caught a 12 inch tiger and a little later another at least 17 inches. What a gorgeous fish!!!!!